About Us
Abdan Faraz Consulting Engineers Company (AFCE) was established in 1998 with objectives of delivering professional and practical technical services in the design and management of water resources projects. After more than 20 years of active presence in water resources projects in Iran, AFCE has gained professional experience in finding fair solution to problems in the water industry, including sites selection as well as study design and supervision of numerous projects.
Presently, the firm’s technical staff are more than 250 engineers and technicians engaged in providing technical services. we have established close professional ties with business colleagues nationally and Internationally in order to enhance the number of professional engineers
in the firm and achieve our ambitious aims in providing engineer services in the following fields:
- Various phases of water development, such as storage, regulation, supply and transfer of water from surface and ground water sources
- Dam engineering projects, flood control and water resources development
- Irrigation and drainage networks
- Water transmission, distribution network of industry and domestic uses.
- Sewerage system
- Surface water collection and disposal
We have managed to preserve our firm’s culture of leadership and commitment to values, including Integrity, respect, innovation and high performance as the major values for more than two decades. Upon its foundation in 1998, the firm was certified by the management and planning organization of Iran as one of the qualified engineering consulting firms in the country and recently reranked by the same organization in the following categories:
- Water resources and dam engineering (Grades I & II)
- Irrigation and drainage network (Grades I & II)
- Water and sewerage system (Grades II)